(With Michelle Siml and Antonin Kopp as Pode Bal group, 2005) The project Converse consists of objects, photographs, video and performance. Objects, typically associated with  Muslim cultures, were branded by famous western multinational companies for Muslim consumers. Part of the Converse project is a performance – presentation for managers – entitled United Brands for World Peace. Converse has been exhibited in various galleries in Europe and New York.
Converse, Burka Nike, installation view, Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig, 2006
Converse, Burka Nike, 2005
Converse, Guthra Adidas, 2005
Converse, Jambia Victorinox, 2005
Converse, Guthra Hermés, 2005
Converse, Turban Gore-Tex, 2005

Converse, Goat Adidas Roteiro, 2005

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